Plumbing Diagram

- Select the position for the pool installation select a fixed datum point like a concrete patio or a ‘mark onthe fence. This datum point will then become the reference point for all measurements.
- Mark out the shape of the pool and dig the hole 80mm wider than the shape of the pool shell. The depth of the excavation should be the same as the depth of The pool shell plus an extra 150mm. to allow far the sand bed for the base of the pool shell. A water level can be used for the excavation and levelling the pool shell. ***If the depths of the pool shell is l800mm to 1000mm then the depths of the excavation should be l8OOmm at the deep end and 1000mm at the shallow end, all measurements are in relation to the datum point. When the excavation has been completed, the sand can be placed and screeded to exact depths of the pool shell (1800mm to l000mm). Course river sand or crusher dust can be used for the bed of the pool.***
- Fit the skimmer box to the pool shell and the pool return fittings, and the hydrostatic relief valve.The shell is then placed into the excavation with a crane using a spredder bar.
- Check the top of the pool for correct levels before the crane is dismissed, in case the pool has to be removed. After the pool shell has been placed and the levels are correct, place a 90mm plastic pipe at the deep end of the pool next to the skimner box. This pipe must end up below the base of the floor of the shell, this pipe is so access will be available to pump out any excess water that may be around the excavation.
- You can now start to fill the pool with water, while the pool is filling with water you can now commence the back filling with an mixture of dry sand and cement of ratio 10 parts sand to 1 part cement. The water level in the pool should be aprox. 400mm above the backfill to allow the pressure of the water to push the shell outwards. Do not compact the backfill otherwise you will force the shell inwards, if this happens, dig the backfill out and the shell will move back out.
- Continue filling with water untill the level is just below the pool returns. The plumbing can now be connected. The pipe to use is class 9 pressure pipe, the pipe from the skimmer box to the pump is 50mm and the pool returns can be 50m or 40mm pipe.
- Continue filling the pool with water until1 the water level is aprox, 40mm below the top of the skimmer box opening. The backfilling can now be completed. The sand and cement back fill can be tampered if necessary to obtain the natural shape of the shell.
- The concrete bondbeam can now be constructed after 2 days from the completion of the backfilling. The concrete bondbeam is a structual part of the pool construction, details as per specifications on plans.