Modular Pools
The versatile nature of the Modular Pools system allows a pool to be designed and built to suit any location and requirement. This allows almost any shape, size or depth pool to be constructed, from the smallest roof-top jacuzzi to an Olympic size or even lagoon style pool.
Why should I choose a Modular Pool
1. New technology ensures a reliable quality product now used in 11 countries.
2. Unique Panel System allows an unlimited range of shapes and sizes from jacuzzi size to commercial applications.
3. A lightweight solution for rooftop, balcony or indoor pools.
4. A superior nish with Ceramic/ Mosaic Tiles.
5. Modular Panel Pool System greatly reduces construction time.
6. Modular Pool construction leaves a cleaner building site with less construction waste.
Why choose our Modular Pools
What makes our Modular Panels Unique
Modular Pools are a great alternative to Conventional Concrete Pools…
The walls are constructed of Pre-made fibreglass panels that are reinforced an locked into position to make above neat wall.
Then we pour the concrete and steel reinforced floor.
Once this has been done we waterproof all the joins and apply a waterproofing Polymer to the Complete surface of the Pool.
Now the pool is ready for tiling and backfilling on the outside of the pool.
Connect up the filtration fill the pool with water jump in and have a swim
2. Quick installation even very big pools can be finished ready for tiling within 2 weeks
3. Absolutely 100 percent Waterproof
4. Any Shape possible
5. Any size possible
6. Perfect for difficult sites and limited access sites
7. The bigger the pool the more Competative the price
8. Can be transported on a truck over long distances
9. Easy to maintain
10. Lower chemical cost
How is a Modular Pool Constructed ?
1. Excavation takes place the same as for any type of in-ground pool allowing for the deep end excavation to suit the pool requirements.
2. After leveling and trimming of excavation site, a lean concrete slurry is poured for a controlled working surface.
3. After setting leveling blocks the fibre-glass panels are bolted together to form the walls of the pool.
4. The panel wall is now ready to be made level and plumb with A-frame supports in place before a concrete bond beam is poured under the wall panel, along the base of the panel.
5. After installing the under slab plumbing, the concrete floor is poured and steel troweled to a smooth finish and left for approximately 7 days to set.
6. At this stage all plumbing and electrical fittings are installed in pool and pipework taken to machine room position. The pool is now ready for back-filling to take place.
7. At this point all panel joins are fibre-glass made over to smooth-finish followed by the application of the cementacious polymer to all internal surfaces.
8. The ceramic/ mosaic tiles can now be fixed with superior bonding agent.
9. Coping edges and concrete surrounds/ deck areas can be completed now.
10. Installation of machine room equipment is now completed and the pool ready to be filled with water

Where can the Modular Pools be installed?
- Fully In-Ground
- Fully Above-Ground
- Sloping Ground
- Building Roof-Top
- Overhang Slab/ Deck
- Balconies
- Building Mezzanine Floor
- Building Basement
- Partially In-Ground
- Level Ground
- Rectangular / Square ….Oval / Round ….Kidney ….Custom Design
How is a Concrete Modular Pool Constructed ?
1. Excavation takes place the same as for any type of in-ground pool allowing for the deep end excavation to suit the pool requirements.
2. After leveling and trimming of excavation site, a lean concrete slurry is poured for a controlled working surface.
3. After setting leveling blocks the fibre-glass panels are bolted together to form the walls of the pool.
4. The panel wall is now ready to be made level and plumb with A-frame supports in place before a concrete bond beam is poured under the wall panel, along the base of the panel.
5. After installing the under slab plumbing, the concrete floor is poured and steel troweled to a smooth finish and left for approximately 7 days to set.
6. At this stage all plumbing and electrical fittings are installed in pool and pipework taken to machine room position. The pool is now ready for back-filling to take place.
7. At this point all panel joins are fibre-glass made over to smooth-finish followed by the application of the cementacious polymer to all internal surfaces.
8. The ceramic/ mosaic tiles can now be fixed with superior bonding agent.
9. Coping edges and concrete surrounds/ deck areas can be completed now.
10. Installation of machine room equipment is now completed and the pool ready to be filled with water.